Wednesday, April 21, 2010

A brief update

First let me preface this by saying that I will update more often! This will be short--

I'm in Gleann Cholm Cille! And it's the most beautiful part of Ireland that I've been to so far! It's situated snugly in a valley between two mountain (hills perhaps more accurately). On the west end of the valley is the ocean, with stunning sunsets every night.

Cid, Haley, Alysa and I live in a small little cottage right in downtown (which consists of a small food mart, gas pump, three bars, a small cafe, and a handful of other businesses). We're next door to the Catholic church and it's graveyard. Our landlady is a sweet old woman named Cait (pronounced Cawtch, which is Irish for Kate). We have deemed the cottage the Prance House, after a word substitution game Miranda and I play (girl=squirrel, dance=prance etc. etc.). We eat loads of grilled cheese and drink Bulmer's quite often. It's great. I love my squirrels.

I will write more later, and include photos! Miss you all!

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